Distance from the Sun
Perihelion 4,436,820,000 km
Aphelion 7,375,930,000 km
Mean distance 5,906,380,000 km (39.482 AU)
Year length 247.68 E-y
Orbital eccentricity 0.2488
Orbital inclination 17.16°
Solar day 6 E-d 9 h 32' 2.992" (retrograde)
Sidereal day 6 E-d 9 h 18' (retrograde)
Rotational inclination 122.53°
Mass 13,000,000,000,000,000,000 t
Mean radius 1,151 km
Mean density 2 g/cm3
Moons 3
Average surface temperature -222.78 °C
October 21, +2009 E 12:05 PM
October 4, +2009 E 6:25 PM
June A 21, +8:01 P 11h50'35.716"
June A 4, +8:01 P 18h03'02.712"
A Calendar Variant for Pluto
Pluto is the furthest (dwarf) planet from the sun[1]. It is in the Kuiper Belt, a belt of comets beyond to orbit of Neptune. Pluto sometimes at a particular point in its orbit will come in-front of Neptune. Because of its distance from the Sun Pluto is very cold. In-fact the Sun is hard to tell from the other stars in Pluto’s night sky, unless you know what you are looking for. But Pluto would still be a good vacation spot. Though it might not be a good place for a colony, that does not mean we should not put one there. Pluto has a retrograde rotation. A Pluto year is 247.68 E-y and a Pluto-sol is 6.39726 E-d. Pluto has an average surface -222.778°C. Pluto has three moons: Charon, Nix, and Hydra. Pluto has thin nitrogen atmosphere, there is ice on it too. Terraforming would difficult for Pluto, but not impossible. Pluto is a great vacation spot. I would argue that because of Pluto and Charon’s unique relationship they are a “double-planet.”
I am doing this for fun. This is my Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Seven for Pluto. This is just a calendar made for pure fun. A Pluto-sol is 6.39726 E-d (6 E-d 9 h 32' 2.992"), so I will divide the Pluto-sol six ways for convenience: giving us a hexethsol. A hexethsol is 25.589 h (25 h 35' 20.544"). The “hexethsol” is the base unit[2]. This is 1 h 35' 20.544" longer than a day. Now I will take the Pluto year, 247.68 E-y, and put it into sols and divide it by 33 you get 2,667.964 M-d or 2,741.311 E-d. You take that number put it in hours and divide it by the hexethsol you get 2,571.084 P-xd (2,571 P-xd 2 h 8' 40.429"). The Pluto year is divided into 33 segments of this length. The Pluto year and segment are written together like this {P-y:segment}, do this for calendar year and measuring other things such as people’s age. The clock for this calendar uses our hours, minutes, and seconds. We will count 25 h 35' 20.544" before ticking to the next hexethsol. This clock does use a millisecond counter[3]. Each segment has 72 months; span 35-36 P-xd each. This calendar does start with one on its Pluto year count. A 2,571 P-xd regular segment and a 2,572 P-xd irregular segment[4]. A common Pluto year has 33 regular segments and a leap Pluto year has 32 regular segments and one irregular segment. Pluto is 5,906,380,000 km (39.482 AU) from the Sun, which gives it a longer year.
Pluto, named for the Roman god of the underworld, is the second largest known KBO (Kuiper Belt Object) in the Solar System. It was first discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, and was classified as a planet until 2006 when the International Astronomical Union changed its designation to dwarf planet. The New Horizons spacecraft was launched on a voyage to Pluto and beyond in 2006; the spacecraft will make its closest approach to Pluto in July of 2015.
Because no probes have visited Pluto, it is difficult for astronomers to accurately take readings of the planet’s atmospheric composition. It is believed that an atmosphere of methane, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide exists when the planet is closer to the Sun. When Pluto is farther away from the Sun during its orbit, the atmosphere freezes and becomes part of its surface. Large regions on Pluto are dark, others light; Pluto has spots and perhaps polar caps. There is also evidence of temperature fluctuations on the planet that may indicate primitive weather. Its core may be rocky with a mantle of water ice surrounding it.
The 33 Segments in my Pluto year are:
#. segments spans #. segments spans
name months P-xd name months P-xd
1. Alpha 72 2571-2572 18. Antlia 72 2571
2. Beta 72 2571 19. Aquila 72 2571
3. Draco 72 2571 20. Grus 72 2571
4. Lynx 72 2571 21. Lyra 72 2571
5. Hercules 72 2571 22. Norma 72 2571
6. Serpentarius 72 2571 23. Microscopium 72 2571
7. Phoenix 72 2571 24. Monoceros 72 2571
8. Pegasus 72 2571 25. Musca 72 2571
9. Perseus 72 2571 26. Orion 72 2571
10. Lepus 72 2571 27. Sextans 72 2571
11. Octans 72 2571 28. Volans 72 2571
12. Crater 72 2571 29. Serpens 72 2571
13. Hydrus 72 2571 30. Scutum 72 2571
14. Fornax 72 2571 31. Pyxis 72 2571
15. Cygnus 72 2571 32. Sagitta 72 2571
16. Eridanus 72 2571 33. Omega 72 2571
17. Andromeda 72 2571
Pluto has three natural satellites. Charon, the biggest, has a diameter 1185.83 km—about half of Pluto’s diameter of 2389.37 km. No other planet of any kind has a moon so close to its size. Discovered in 1978, Charon orbits Pluto at a distance of 19629.8 km and takes 6.39 E-d to move around the planet. In the same length of time, Pluto and Charon both rotate once around their axes, meaning that a person standing on Pluto would always see the same face of Charon in the same part of the sky, every day and night. The Pluto-Charon system thus appears to rotate as virtually a rigid body. Both worlds are roughly spherical and comparable densities. Because of these similarities and their peculiar relationship, there is a debate as to whether Charon should one day be designated a dwarf planet.
The two other moons were discovered in 2005 and in 2006 were officially named Nix and Hydra.
The 72 months in each Segment in my Plutonian year are:
#. months spans #. months spans #. months spans
1. January A 35 25. January B 36 49. January C 36
2. Terra A 35 26. Terra B 36 50. Terra C 36
3. Pisces A 35 27. Pisces B 36 51. Pisces C 36
4. February A 35-36 28. February B 36 52. February C 36
5. Aries A 35 29. Aries B 36 53. Aries C 36
6. April A 35 30. April B 36 54. April C 36
7. Taurus A 35 31. Taurus B 36 55. Taurus C 36
8. Gemini A 35 32. Gemini B 36 56. Gemini C 36
9. May A 35 33. May B 36 57. May C 36
10. June A 35 34. June B 36 58. June C 36
11. Cancer A 35 35. Cancer B 36 59. Cancer C 36
12. July A 35 36. July B 36 60. July C 36
13. Leo A 35 37. Leo B 36 61. Leo C 36
14. Virgo A 35 38. Virgo B 36 62. Virgo C 36
15. Libra A 35 39. Libra B 36 63. Libra C 36
16. August A 35 40. August B 36 64. August C 36
17. Scorpio A 35 41. Scorpio B 36 65. Scorpio C 36
18. September A 35 42. September B 36 66. September C 36
19. Sagittarius A 35 43. Sagittarius B 36 67. Sagittarius C 36
20. October A 35 44. October B 36 68. October C 36
21. Capricorn A 35 45. Capricorn B 36 69. Capricorn C 36
22. November A 36 46. November B 36 70. November C 36
23. Aquarius A 36 47. Aquarius B 36 71. Aquarius C 36
24. December A 36 48. December B 36 72. December C 36
Now I will calculate the calendar’s leap Pluto year[5]. Its leap Pluto year will fall: every two Pluto years, omitted every 100 P-y, centurial one every 200 P-y. The leap bisol is February A 36 in Alpha. This calendar has an accuracy of 4,677,789 P-y, its Ls is the anti-meridian. To remember the lengths of the months say: “January A through Pisces A have 35 P-xd, February A has 35-36 P-xd, Aries A through Capricorn A have 35 P-xd, and all the rest have 36 P-xd,” and to remember the order refer back to my Jeremiahn Calendar for Mars and add a B and a C section. Eventually if the colony ever got big enough we would need to develop Plutonian time zones as well. I would do this similar to the Earth’s time zones; which is add or subtract an hour every 15° E/W of the Prime Meridian, respectively. Pluto and its moons already have Equators and Prime Meridians. Someone else will name these time zones[6]. On Pluto the GMT equivalent is Cero Mean Time. Cero refers to being 0º E/W of Pluto’s Prime Meridian. When measuring from the Pluto’s Origin Point (0º E/W, 0º N/S) going clockwise there is 293.345 km between each time zone. Any lunar colonies will use this same calendar, but I will try to develop time zones for the Pluto moons. So someone else will set up the Plutonian lunar time zones, but the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Seven will be used on these Plutonian lunar colonies. Charon time zones will go like this 148.062 km between each when measuring clockwise from its Origin Point. Nix and Hydra have an average circumference of 172.788 km, so time zones are 6.752 km apart measuring clockwise from their Origin Points. This calendar is to have a seven-hexethsol week-cycle, so that it is liked by the religious groups. This is acceptable to religious group, making religion on Pluto easy.
The seven hexethsols in my Plutonian week are:
7 P-xd name meaning
1 Sunhexethsol Sunday (weekend)
2 Mondehexethsol Charon’s +Hydra’s + Nix’s day
3 Tueshexethsol Tuesday
4 Wedneshexethsol Wednesday
5 Thurshexethsol Thursday
6 Frihexethsol Friday
7 Saturhexethsol Saturday (weekend).
This calendar’s epoch is Jesus Christ’s birth. The JD count is 1,721,419[7]. The epoch formula for Pluto is: ((y*365.2425*24)/25.589)/84845.766; y = current Earth year, round to nearest whole number. This would make the current Pluto year be +8:01 P or +8 in Alpha P. +8:01 P or +8 in Alpha P started on January 1, +2009 E and will end on July 3, +2016 E; July 4, +2016 E will start +8:02 P or +8 in Beta P. This calendar begins on January A 1 in each segment. The Pluto year starts with January A 1 in Alpha. This is a non-perpetual calendar for Pluto. Pluto has no seasons therefore there is no need to track them[8]. The holibisols are as follows: April A 22 in Beta is Pluto Hexethsol, December A 10 in Beta is Exploration Hexethsol, and Foundation Hexethsol is the Hexethsol that the first colony was established on Pluto. NASA currently does not use an independent calendar for timekeeping on Pluto[9]. The age equivalencies are start school at zero segments and 45 months, drive at two segments and nine months, vote at and end school at two segments and 29 months, get drunk at two segments and 57 months, and retire at eight segments and 48 months. The length of a workhexethsol is 8 h 31' 46.8". This is simple.
Posted by J.S. at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Applications information:
There are none this calendar is just for fun!!!! Pluto’s color is dark yellow. The life span of a human is: 15 segments and 71 months. Our fix year is 8:03 P, so 8:04 P will start on May 17, 2011 E, and will end on November 18, 2018 E.
sol 6.39726 E-d
1/6 sols
hexethsols 25 h 35' 20.544"
clock 12 h 47' 40.272" face
year 247.68 E-y
33 segments 1 segment = 2667.964 M-d
2741.311 E-d
2571.084 P-xd
72 months
regular = 2571 P-xd
irregular = 2572 P-xd
common year 33 regular segments
leap year 32 regular segments, 1 irregular segment
placement February A 36 in Alpha
formula +2 P-y; -100 P-y, +200 P-y
distance 39.482 AU
moons 3
week 7 P-xd
accuracy 4,677,789 P-y
GMT Cero Mean Time
covers 293.345 km each
epoch 12/25/+0000 E 1,721,419
+8:01 P start January 1, +2009 E
end July 3, +2016 E
seasons N/A
to our knowledge
ages start school at 0 segments and 45 months
drive at 2 segments and 9 months
vote at 2 segments and 29 months
drink alcohol at 2 segments and 57 months
retire at 8 segments and 48 months
work 8 h 31' 46.8"
competitors N/A
independence no
[1] Joyce, Alan C. Planets of the Solar System, Pluto. World Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2008. 329-330.[2] Scientific Astronomer Documentation. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Wolfram Research, Inc. 4 April 2009 <http://documents.wolfram.com/applications/astronomer/AdditionalInformation/PlanetographicCoordinates.html>[3] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[4] wilderness.org. Nelson, Gaylord. October 1993. Google, Inc. 13 April 2009 <http://earthday.wilderness.org/history/>
[5] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009 <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Pluto>
[6] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[7] Dictionary.com. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Ask.com. 2 April 2009 <http://dictionary.reference.com/translate>, Alphabetical listing of constellations. Dolan, Chris. 1 January 2005. Google, Inc. 11 May 2009 <http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/constellation_list.html>
[8] Rowen, Beth. Space. Time for kids Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2006. 220.
[9] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009 <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Plu_Charon&CFID=40948864&CFTOKEN=266b941844bf3604-ECB145CE-A09E-C8D5-0AC17333E8C6D527
I am doing this for fun. This is my Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Seven for Pluto. This is just a calendar made for pure fun. A Pluto-sol is 6.39726 E-d (6 E-d 9 h 32' 2.992"), so I will divide the Pluto-sol six ways for convenience: giving us a hexethsol. A hexethsol is 25.589 h (25 h 35' 20.544"). The “hexethsol” is the base unit[2]. This is 1 h 35' 20.544" longer than a day. Now I will take the Pluto year, 247.68 E-y, and put it into sols and divide it by 33 you get 2,667.964 M-d or 2,741.311 E-d. You take that number put it in hours and divide it by the hexethsol you get 2,571.084 P-xd (2,571 P-xd 2 h 8' 40.429"). The Pluto year is divided into 33 segments of this length. The Pluto year and segment are written together like this {P-y:segment}, do this for calendar year and measuring other things such as people’s age. The clock for this calendar uses our hours, minutes, and seconds. We will count 25 h 35' 20.544" before ticking to the next hexethsol. This clock does use a millisecond counter[3]. Each segment has 72 months; span 35-36 P-xd each. This calendar does start with one on its Pluto year count. A 2,571 P-xd regular segment and a 2,572 P-xd irregular segment[4]. A common Pluto year has 33 regular segments and a leap Pluto year has 32 regular segments and one irregular segment. Pluto is 5,906,380,000 km (39.482 AU) from the Sun, which gives it a longer year.
Pluto, named for the Roman god of the underworld, is the second largest known KBO (Kuiper Belt Object) in the Solar System. It was first discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh, and was classified as a planet until 2006 when the International Astronomical Union changed its designation to dwarf planet. The New Horizons spacecraft was launched on a voyage to Pluto and beyond in 2006; the spacecraft will make its closest approach to Pluto in July of 2015.
Because no probes have visited Pluto, it is difficult for astronomers to accurately take readings of the planet’s atmospheric composition. It is believed that an atmosphere of methane, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide exists when the planet is closer to the Sun. When Pluto is farther away from the Sun during its orbit, the atmosphere freezes and becomes part of its surface. Large regions on Pluto are dark, others light; Pluto has spots and perhaps polar caps. There is also evidence of temperature fluctuations on the planet that may indicate primitive weather. Its core may be rocky with a mantle of water ice surrounding it.
The 33 Segments in my Pluto year are:
#. segments spans #. segments spans
name months P-xd name months P-xd
1. Alpha 72 2571-2572 18. Antlia 72 2571
2. Beta 72 2571 19. Aquila 72 2571
3. Draco 72 2571 20. Grus 72 2571
4. Lynx 72 2571 21. Lyra 72 2571
5. Hercules 72 2571 22. Norma 72 2571
6. Serpentarius 72 2571 23. Microscopium 72 2571
7. Phoenix 72 2571 24. Monoceros 72 2571
8. Pegasus 72 2571 25. Musca 72 2571
9. Perseus 72 2571 26. Orion 72 2571
10. Lepus 72 2571 27. Sextans 72 2571
11. Octans 72 2571 28. Volans 72 2571
12. Crater 72 2571 29. Serpens 72 2571
13. Hydrus 72 2571 30. Scutum 72 2571
14. Fornax 72 2571 31. Pyxis 72 2571
15. Cygnus 72 2571 32. Sagitta 72 2571
16. Eridanus 72 2571 33. Omega 72 2571
17. Andromeda 72 2571
Pluto has three natural satellites. Charon, the biggest, has a diameter 1185.83 km—about half of Pluto’s diameter of 2389.37 km. No other planet of any kind has a moon so close to its size. Discovered in 1978, Charon orbits Pluto at a distance of 19629.8 km and takes 6.39 E-d to move around the planet. In the same length of time, Pluto and Charon both rotate once around their axes, meaning that a person standing on Pluto would always see the same face of Charon in the same part of the sky, every day and night. The Pluto-Charon system thus appears to rotate as virtually a rigid body. Both worlds are roughly spherical and comparable densities. Because of these similarities and their peculiar relationship, there is a debate as to whether Charon should one day be designated a dwarf planet.
The two other moons were discovered in 2005 and in 2006 were officially named Nix and Hydra.
The 72 months in each Segment in my Plutonian year are:
#. months spans #. months spans #. months spans
1. January A 35 25. January B 36 49. January C 36
2. Terra A 35 26. Terra B 36 50. Terra C 36
3. Pisces A 35 27. Pisces B 36 51. Pisces C 36
4. February A 35-36 28. February B 36 52. February C 36
5. Aries A 35 29. Aries B 36 53. Aries C 36
6. April A 35 30. April B 36 54. April C 36
7. Taurus A 35 31. Taurus B 36 55. Taurus C 36
8. Gemini A 35 32. Gemini B 36 56. Gemini C 36
9. May A 35 33. May B 36 57. May C 36
10. June A 35 34. June B 36 58. June C 36
11. Cancer A 35 35. Cancer B 36 59. Cancer C 36
12. July A 35 36. July B 36 60. July C 36
13. Leo A 35 37. Leo B 36 61. Leo C 36
14. Virgo A 35 38. Virgo B 36 62. Virgo C 36
15. Libra A 35 39. Libra B 36 63. Libra C 36
16. August A 35 40. August B 36 64. August C 36
17. Scorpio A 35 41. Scorpio B 36 65. Scorpio C 36
18. September A 35 42. September B 36 66. September C 36
19. Sagittarius A 35 43. Sagittarius B 36 67. Sagittarius C 36
20. October A 35 44. October B 36 68. October C 36
21. Capricorn A 35 45. Capricorn B 36 69. Capricorn C 36
22. November A 36 46. November B 36 70. November C 36
23. Aquarius A 36 47. Aquarius B 36 71. Aquarius C 36
24. December A 36 48. December B 36 72. December C 36
Now I will calculate the calendar’s leap Pluto year[5]. Its leap Pluto year will fall: every two Pluto years, omitted every 100 P-y, centurial one every 200 P-y. The leap bisol is February A 36 in Alpha. This calendar has an accuracy of 4,677,789 P-y, its Ls is the anti-meridian. To remember the lengths of the months say: “January A through Pisces A have 35 P-xd, February A has 35-36 P-xd, Aries A through Capricorn A have 35 P-xd, and all the rest have 36 P-xd,” and to remember the order refer back to my Jeremiahn Calendar for Mars and add a B and a C section. Eventually if the colony ever got big enough we would need to develop Plutonian time zones as well. I would do this similar to the Earth’s time zones; which is add or subtract an hour every 15° E/W of the Prime Meridian, respectively. Pluto and its moons already have Equators and Prime Meridians. Someone else will name these time zones[6]. On Pluto the GMT equivalent is Cero Mean Time. Cero refers to being 0º E/W of Pluto’s Prime Meridian. When measuring from the Pluto’s Origin Point (0º E/W, 0º N/S) going clockwise there is 293.345 km between each time zone. Any lunar colonies will use this same calendar, but I will try to develop time zones for the Pluto moons. So someone else will set up the Plutonian lunar time zones, but the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Seven will be used on these Plutonian lunar colonies. Charon time zones will go like this 148.062 km between each when measuring clockwise from its Origin Point. Nix and Hydra have an average circumference of 172.788 km, so time zones are 6.752 km apart measuring clockwise from their Origin Points. This calendar is to have a seven-hexethsol week-cycle, so that it is liked by the religious groups. This is acceptable to religious group, making religion on Pluto easy.
The seven hexethsols in my Plutonian week are:
7 P-xd name meaning
1 Sunhexethsol Sunday (weekend)
2 Mondehexethsol Charon’s +Hydra’s + Nix’s day
3 Tueshexethsol Tuesday
4 Wedneshexethsol Wednesday
5 Thurshexethsol Thursday
6 Frihexethsol Friday
7 Saturhexethsol Saturday (weekend).
This calendar’s epoch is Jesus Christ’s birth. The JD count is 1,721,419[7]. The epoch formula for Pluto is: ((y*365.2425*24)/25.589)/84845.766; y = current Earth year, round to nearest whole number. This would make the current Pluto year be +8:01 P or +8 in Alpha P. +8:01 P or +8 in Alpha P started on January 1, +2009 E and will end on July 3, +2016 E; July 4, +2016 E will start +8:02 P or +8 in Beta P. This calendar begins on January A 1 in each segment. The Pluto year starts with January A 1 in Alpha. This is a non-perpetual calendar for Pluto. Pluto has no seasons therefore there is no need to track them[8]. The holibisols are as follows: April A 22 in Beta is Pluto Hexethsol, December A 10 in Beta is Exploration Hexethsol, and Foundation Hexethsol is the Hexethsol that the first colony was established on Pluto. NASA currently does not use an independent calendar for timekeeping on Pluto[9]. The age equivalencies are start school at zero segments and 45 months, drive at two segments and nine months, vote at and end school at two segments and 29 months, get drunk at two segments and 57 months, and retire at eight segments and 48 months. The length of a workhexethsol is 8 h 31' 46.8". This is simple.
Posted by J.S. at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Applications information:
There are none this calendar is just for fun!!!! Pluto’s color is dark yellow. The life span of a human is: 15 segments and 71 months. Our fix year is 8:03 P, so 8:04 P will start on May 17, 2011 E, and will end on November 18, 2018 E.
sol 6.39726 E-d
1/6 sols
hexethsols 25 h 35' 20.544"
clock 12 h 47' 40.272" face
year 247.68 E-y
33 segments 1 segment = 2667.964 M-d
2741.311 E-d
2571.084 P-xd
72 months
regular = 2571 P-xd
irregular = 2572 P-xd
common year 33 regular segments
leap year 32 regular segments, 1 irregular segment
placement February A 36 in Alpha
formula +2 P-y; -100 P-y, +200 P-y
distance 39.482 AU
moons 3
week 7 P-xd
accuracy 4,677,789 P-y
GMT Cero Mean Time
covers 293.345 km each
epoch 12/25/+0000 E 1,721,419
+8:01 P start January 1, +2009 E
end July 3, +2016 E
seasons N/A
to our knowledge
ages start school at 0 segments and 45 months
drive at 2 segments and 9 months
vote at 2 segments and 29 months
drink alcohol at 2 segments and 57 months
retire at 8 segments and 48 months
work 8 h 31' 46.8"
competitors N/A
independence no
[1] Joyce, Alan C. Planets of the Solar System, Pluto. World Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2008. 329-330.[2] Scientific Astronomer Documentation. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Wolfram Research, Inc. 4 April 2009 <http://documents.wolfram.com/applications/astronomer/AdditionalInformation/PlanetographicCoordinates.html>[3] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[4] wilderness.org. Nelson, Gaylord. October 1993. Google, Inc. 13 April 2009 <http://earthday.wilderness.org/history/>
[5] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009 <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Pluto>
[6] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[7] Dictionary.com. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Ask.com. 2 April 2009 <http://dictionary.reference.com/translate>, Alphabetical listing of constellations. Dolan, Chris. 1 January 2005. Google, Inc. 11 May 2009 <http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/constellation_list.html>
[8] Rowen, Beth. Space. Time for kids Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2006. 220.
[9] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009 <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Plu_Charon&CFID=40948864&CFTOKEN=266b941844bf3604-ECB145CE-A09E-C8D5-0AC17333E8C6D527
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