Distance from the Sun
Perihelion 4,459,630,000 km
Aphelion 4,536,870,000 km
Mean distance 4,498,252,900 km (30.069 AU)
Year length 164.79 E-y
Orbital eccentricity 0.0113
Orbital inclination 1.769°
Solar day 16 h 6' 37"
Sidereal day 16 h 6' 36"
Rotational inclination 28.32°
Mass 102,440,000,000,000,000,000,000 t
Mean radius 24,764 km
Mean density 1.76 g/cm3
Moons 13
Average surface temperature* -201.11 °C
* i.e., temperature where atmosphere pressure equals one Earth atmosphere.
October 21, +2009 E 12:02 PM
September 29, +2009 E 3:00 PM
June A 21, +12:01 N 00h22'09.859"
June A 1, +12:01 N 14h50'21.637"
A Calendar Variant for Neptune
This is Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Six for Neptune[1]. I see no reasons why each moon of Neptune should have its own calendar. It seems much more reasonable to design the calendar for Neptune not its moons[2]. If we had a colony on Earth’s moon you would use the Gregorian or Earth calendar for daily planning, not a calendar based on the Moon like the Chinese. They are some very surprising facts about Neptune when trying to make a calendar for its moons. NASA recognizes this as Neptune’s official rotation: 16.1103 h (16 h 6' 37"), so the length I will use is that times two: 32.2206 h (32 h 13' 14"). This is a “bisol.” The “bisol” is the base unit[3]. The bisol is 10 h 28' 45.84" longer than a day. Two is if you take the orbit of Neptune, 164.79 E-y, and put it in sols and divide that by 33 you get 1775.09 M-d or 1823.89 E-d. You take that number and put it in hours and divide that by the bisol you get 1358.55 N-ld (1358 N-ld 17 h 43' 16.788"). The Neptune year is divided into 33 segments of this length. The Neptune year and segment are written together like this {N-y:segment}, do this for calendar year and measuring other things such as people’s age[4]. The clock for this calendar uses our hours, minutes, and seconds. We will count 32 h 13' 14" before ticking to the next bisol. This clock does use a millisecond counter. It is good to preserve our hours, minutes, and seconds; because not doing so would make measuring time way too confusing. Each segment has 48 months; span 28-29 N-ld each. This calendar does start with one on its Neptune year count. A 1358 N-ld regular segment and a 1359 N-ld irregular segment. A common Neptune year has 33 regular segments and a leap Neptune year has 32 regular segments and one irregular segment. Neptune is 4,498,252,900 km (30.069 AU) from the Sun, which gives it a longer year.
Named for the Roman god of the sea, Neptune was the first planet discovered through mathematical calculations and not observation. Its approximate orbit and position was first calculated independently by John Couch Adams and Urbain Le Verrier in 1845. In 1846, Johann Galle first observed Neptune through a telescope.
The Neptunian atmosphere is composed primarily of 80 percent hydrogen, 19 percent helium, and small amounts of hydrogen deuteride, ethane, ammonia ice, water ice, ammonia hydrosulfide, and methane ice. Neptune’s atmosphere is quite blue, with quickly changing white clouds often suspended high above an apparent surface. A Great Dark Spot was discovered in 1989 when Voyager 2 visited the planet, reminiscent of the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope have shown the Great Dark Spot originally seen by Voyager has apparently dissipated, but a new dark spot has since appeared. Lightning and auroras have been found on other giant planets, but only the auroras of have been seen on Neptune. As with the other giant planets, Neptune is emitting more energy than it receives from the Sun. The excess has been found to be 2.7 times the solar contribution.
As with other giant planets, Neptune may have no solid surface, or exact diameter. However, a mean value of 49,235.4 km may be assigned to a diameter between levels where the pressure is the same as sea level on Earth.
The 33 Segments in my Neptune year are:
#. segments spans #. segments spans
name months N-ld name months N-ld
1. Alpha 48 1358-1359 18. Antlia 48 1358
2. Beta 48 1358 19. Aquila 48 1358
3. Draco 48 1358 20. Grus 48 1358
4. Lynx 48 1358 21. Lyra 48 1358
5. Hercules 48 1358 22. Norma 48 1358
6. Serpentarius 48 1358 23. Microscopium 48 1358
7. Phoenix 48 1358 24. Monoceros 48 1358
8. Pegasus 48 1358 25. Musca 48 1358
9. Perseus 48 1358 26. Orion 48 1358
10. Lepus 48 1358 27. Sextans 48 1358
11. Octans 48 1358 28. Volans 48 1358
12. Crater 48 1358 29. Serpens 48 1358
13. Hydrus 48 1358 30. Scutum 48 1358
14. Fornax 48 1358 31. Pyxis 48 1358
15. Cygnus 48 1358 32. Sagitta 48 1358
16. Eridanus 48 1358 33. Omega 48 1358
17. Andromeda 48 1358
Largest of Neptune’s 13 satellites is Triton. It is the only moon in a retrograde orbit, which suggests that it was captured rather than having been there from the beginning. Triton’s large size, sufficient to raise significant tides on the planet, may one day, billions of Earth years from now, cause Triton to come close enough to Neptune for it to be torn apart. Triton has a tenuous atmosphere of nitrogen with trace of hydrocarbons and evidence of active geysers injecting material into it. Triton is the coldest object yet measured in the Solar System with a surface temperature of –235°C.
The 48 months in each Segment in my Neptunian year are:
#. months spans #. months spans #. months spans
1. January A 28 17. Scorpio A 28 33. May B 28
2. Terra A 28 18. September A 28 34. June B 28
3. Pisces A 28 19. Sagittarius A 28 35. Cancer B 29
4. February A 28-29 20. October A 28 36. July B 29
5. Aries A 28 21. Capricorn A 28 37. Leo B 29
6. April A 28 22. November A 28 38. Virgo B 29
7. Taurus A 28 23. Aquarius A 28 39. Libra B 29
8. Gemini A 28 24. December A 28 40. August B 29
9. May A 28 25. January B 28 41. Scorpio B 29
10. June A 28 26. Terra B 28 42. September B 29
11. Cancer A 28 27. Pisces B 28 43. Sagittarius B 29
12. July A 28 28. February B 28 44. October B 29
13. Leo A 28 29. Aries B 28 45. Capricorn B 29
14. Virgo A 28 30. April B 28 46. November B 29
15. Libra A 28 31. Taurus B 28 47. Aquarius B 29
16. August A 28 32. Gemini B 28 48. December B 29
Now I will calculate the calendar’s leap Neptune year. Its leap Neptune year will fall: every six Neptune years, omitted every 100 N-y, centurial one every 600 N-y. The leap bisol is February A 29 in Alpha. This calendar has an accuracy of 4,677,789 N-y, its Ls is the anti-meridian. To remember the lengths of the months say: “January A through Pisces A has 28 N-ld; February A has 28-29 N-ld; Aries A through June B have 28 N-ld; and all the rest have 29 N-ld,” and to remember the order refer back to my Jeremiahn Calendar for Mars and add a B section. Eventually if the colony ever got big enough we would need to develop Neptunian time zones as well. I would do this similar to the Earth’s time zones; which is add or subtract an hour every 15° E/W of the Prime Meridian, respectively. Neptune and its moons already have Equators and Prime Meridians. Someone else will name these time zones. On Neptune the GMT equivalent is Nullity Mean Time[5]. Nullity refers to being 0º E/W of Neptune’s Prime Meridian. When measuring from the Neptune’s Origin Point (0º E/W, 0º N/S) going clockwise there is 4,829.12 km between each time zone. Since Neptune has no surface colonists would be required to live in flying cities. Any lunar colonies will use this same calendar, but I will try to develop time zones for the Neptunian moons. So someone else will set up the Neptunian lunar time zones, but the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Six will be used on these Neptunian lunar colonies. When talking about lunar time zones, Neptune has several moons; so to establish the standard for the moons I will average the diameters. Their average diameter is 316.308 km, the time zones on the Neptunian moons will have 30.841 km between each time zone; going clockwise around them when measuring from their Origin Points. This calendar is to have a seven-bisol week-cycle, so that it is liked by the religious groups. This is acceptable to religious group, making religion on Neptune easy.
Only about half of Triton has been observed, but its terrain shows cratering and a strange regional feature described as resembling the skin of a cantaloupe. Nereid has the highest orbital eccentricity (0.75) of any moon.
The seven bisols in my Neptunian week are:
7 N-ld name meaning
1 Sunbisol Sunday (weekend)
2 Mondebisol Moons’ day
3 Tuesbisol Tuesday
4 Wednesbisol Wednesday
5 Thursbisol Thursday
6 Fribisol Friday
7 Saturbisol Saturday (weekend).
This calendar’s epoch is Jesus Christ’s birth. The JD count is 1,721,419. The epoch formula for Neptune is: ((y*365.2425*24)/32.2206)/44832.172; y = current Earth year, round to nearest whole number[6]. This would make the current Neptune year be +12:01 N or +12 in Alpha N. +12:01 N or +12 in Alpha N started on January 1, +2009 E and will end on August 8, +2010 E; August 9, +2010 E will start +12:02 N or +12 in Beta N. This calendar begins on January A 1 in each segment[7]. The Neptune year starts with January A 1 in Alpha. This is a non-perpetual calendar for Neptune; it is a Vernal Equinox Calendar. With this set up I can track the actual seasons on Neptune. The Neptune year is divided into four seasons[8]. The seasons fall: Vernal Equinox is February A 4 in Alpha, Summer Solstice is July A 8 in Perseus, Autumn Equinox is July A 8 in Andromeda, and Winter Solstice is July A 8 in Musca; all jump back a bisol on leap Neptune years. The holibisols are as follows: April A 22 in Beta is Neptune Bisol, December A 10 in Beta is Exploration Bisol, and Foundation Bisol is the bisol that the first colony was established on Neptune and/or its moons[9]. Each moon will have its own Foundation Bisol which will fall according to the definition. My reasoning for basing the calendar on Neptune and not each individual moon is as follows: they are moons of Neptune with locked orbits. None of these moons rotate, in that case and only that I would base the calendar on the moon not its primary. If we had a colony on Earth’s Moon the colonists would use the Earth calendar, Gregorian, not the Chinese for day to day activities and planning[10]. So this makes it logically to design a calendar for the Neptunian moons based on Neptune not each individual moon. NASA currently does not use an independent calendar for timekeeping on Neptune and/or its moons. The age equivalencies are start school at one segment, drive at three segments and 10 months, vote at and end school at three segments and 29 months, get drunk at four segments and 10 months, and retire at 13 segments and one month. The length of a workbisol is 10 h 44' 24.72". This is simple.
Posted by J.S. at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Applications information:
To talk evolution, I believe that people born on this planet could evolve into: Homo neptunus. Anyways people would set up everything to this calendar. The fiscal year would become just a cycle of any 33 calendar segments. When shipping between planets though everything would converted to the JD count or Earth-time. Now to talk the academic year, this would be quite different from Earth. So as to not get confused in the table below I will equate it to Earth-time for you. Our fix year is 12:05 N, so 12:06 N will start on January 1, 2011 E, and ends on November 11, 2015 E.
Triton is the largest moon of the planet Neptune, discovered on October 10, 1846 by William Lassell. It is the only large moon in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit, which is an orbit in the opposite direction to its planet’s rotation. At 2700 km in diameter, it is the seventh-largest moon in the Solar System. Triton comprises more than 99.5% of all the mass known to orbit Neptune, including the planet’s rings and twelve other known moons. Because of its retrograde orbit (unique in the Solar System for an object of its size) and composition similar to Pluto’s, Triton is thought to have been captured from the Kuiper belt.
Neptune Earth-time
grades ages grades ages grades
1 p 5 p
1&10 k 6 k
1&19 1 7 1
1&29 2 8 2
1&39 3 9 3
2 4 10 4
2&10 5 11 5
2&19 6 12 6
2&29 7 13 7
2&39 8 14 8
3 9 15 9
3&10 10 16 10
3&19 11 17 11
3&29 12 18 12
The importance of these applications is: because you were born on a different planet. If we were to measure you age in Earth-time we would not be getting an accurate image of how old you actually are. By setting everything to the new planet, Neptune, an accurate image of age and operations is given. The operations image explains why companies would set their fiscal year to the planet time, Neptune. Without it set to planet time, Neptune, and not Earth-time you would not get an accurate image of these company/business operations. As far as holidays/holibisols go there calendar would show both. The holidays on Neptune, most of them would be celebrated 33 times a year; the holibisols would be celebrated once per year. This would allow each holiday to occur once per segment.
The planet time is secondary. The planet time is tracked independently from Earth-time, but it is not shown apart from Earth-time. Therefore color codes are used: Neptune is turquoise, Earth is green. The life span of a human is: 24 segments and one month.
The way these calendars would be sold is near the end of each segment, because it is longer than an Earth year. The color coded remains the same for the clocks. All planet time clocks are digital, there is no “a.m./p.m.” style for Neptune. The clocks just count h ' ". Computers meant for Neptune would show time the same way. One Neptune-sol is shown as 16h06'37.000" and One Bisol is shown as 32h13'14.000". All Earth-time is shown in GMT. The Neptune time zones are arbitrary time zones; they are set up to the Neptunian coordinate system.
If someone was born on Neptune their birth certificate would read:
“Name: Terry Hue Greenstone ###-##-####
Place: New Joplin, United States Neptune Triton Colony #####
Room ### St. John’s Hospital #### Federal Street
When: June 6, +2026 E @ 2:56 p.m. or Capricorn B 9, +12:09 N @ 20h59'04.714"”
The birth certificate example above only includes what would be different between a regular Earth birth certificate and a birth certificate for someone born on this planet, Neptune. Next I will show you an example of what that same person’s divers license would look like, enlarged picture not included. All names in these examples are fake.
“NEW JOPLIN Under 21 E-y Until Class
DRIVER LICENSE 06-06-+2047 E (F)
45-09-+12:14 N
License Number N#########
Birth-date Expiration Date
06-06-+2026 E 06-06-+2046 E
45-09-+12:09 N 45-09-+12:13 N
(sex) (height) (weight) (eye color)
Restrictions Endorsements
sol 16 h 6' 37"
2 sols
bisols 32 h 13' 14"
clock 16 h 6' 37" face
year 164.79 E-y
33 segments 1 segment = 1775.09 M-d
1823.89 E-d
1358.55 N-ld
48 months
regular = 1358 N-ld
irregular = 1359 N-ld
common year 33 regular segments
leap year 32 regular segments, 1 irregular segment
placement February A 29 in Alpha
formula +6 N-y; -100 N-y, +600 N-y
distance 30.069 AU
moons 13
week 7 N-ld
accuracy 4,677,789 N-y
GMT Nullity Mean Time
covers 4829.12 km each
epoch 12/25/+0000 E 1,721,419
+12:01 N start January 1, +2009 E
end August 8, +2010 E
seasons spring Pisces A 20 in Alpha
summer Pisces B 29 in Pegasus
fall April A 20 in Cygnus
winter May A 29 in Norma
ages start school at 1 segment and 0 months
drive at 3 segments and 10 months
vote at 3 segments and 29 months
drink alcohol at 4 segments and 10 months
retire at 13 segments and 1 month
work 10 h 44' 24.72"
competitors N/A
independence no
The Neptunian atmosphere is composed primarily of 80 percent hydrogen, 19 percent helium, and small amounts of hydrogen deuteride, ethane, ammonia ice, water ice, ammonia hydrosulfide, and methane ice. Neptune’s atmosphere is quite blue, with quickly changing white clouds often suspended high above an apparent surface. A Great Dark Spot was discovered in 1989 when Voyager 2 visited the planet, reminiscent of the Great Red Spot of Jupiter. Observations with the Hubble Space Telescope have shown the Great Dark Spot originally seen by Voyager has apparently dissipated, but a new dark spot has since appeared. Lightning and auroras have been found on other giant planets, but only the auroras of have been seen on Neptune. As with the other giant planets, Neptune is emitting more energy than it receives from the Sun. The excess has been found to be 2.7 times the solar contribution.
As with other giant planets, Neptune may have no solid surface, or exact diameter. However, a mean value of 49,235.4 km may be assigned to a diameter between levels where the pressure is the same as sea level on Earth.
The 33 Segments in my Neptune year are:
#. segments spans #. segments spans
name months N-ld name months N-ld
1. Alpha 48 1358-1359 18. Antlia 48 1358
2. Beta 48 1358 19. Aquila 48 1358
3. Draco 48 1358 20. Grus 48 1358
4. Lynx 48 1358 21. Lyra 48 1358
5. Hercules 48 1358 22. Norma 48 1358
6. Serpentarius 48 1358 23. Microscopium 48 1358
7. Phoenix 48 1358 24. Monoceros 48 1358
8. Pegasus 48 1358 25. Musca 48 1358
9. Perseus 48 1358 26. Orion 48 1358
10. Lepus 48 1358 27. Sextans 48 1358
11. Octans 48 1358 28. Volans 48 1358
12. Crater 48 1358 29. Serpens 48 1358
13. Hydrus 48 1358 30. Scutum 48 1358
14. Fornax 48 1358 31. Pyxis 48 1358
15. Cygnus 48 1358 32. Sagitta 48 1358
16. Eridanus 48 1358 33. Omega 48 1358
17. Andromeda 48 1358
Largest of Neptune’s 13 satellites is Triton. It is the only moon in a retrograde orbit, which suggests that it was captured rather than having been there from the beginning. Triton’s large size, sufficient to raise significant tides on the planet, may one day, billions of Earth years from now, cause Triton to come close enough to Neptune for it to be torn apart. Triton has a tenuous atmosphere of nitrogen with trace of hydrocarbons and evidence of active geysers injecting material into it. Triton is the coldest object yet measured in the Solar System with a surface temperature of –235°C.
The 48 months in each Segment in my Neptunian year are:
#. months spans #. months spans #. months spans
1. January A 28 17. Scorpio A 28 33. May B 28
2. Terra A 28 18. September A 28 34. June B 28
3. Pisces A 28 19. Sagittarius A 28 35. Cancer B 29
4. February A 28-29 20. October A 28 36. July B 29
5. Aries A 28 21. Capricorn A 28 37. Leo B 29
6. April A 28 22. November A 28 38. Virgo B 29
7. Taurus A 28 23. Aquarius A 28 39. Libra B 29
8. Gemini A 28 24. December A 28 40. August B 29
9. May A 28 25. January B 28 41. Scorpio B 29
10. June A 28 26. Terra B 28 42. September B 29
11. Cancer A 28 27. Pisces B 28 43. Sagittarius B 29
12. July A 28 28. February B 28 44. October B 29
13. Leo A 28 29. Aries B 28 45. Capricorn B 29
14. Virgo A 28 30. April B 28 46. November B 29
15. Libra A 28 31. Taurus B 28 47. Aquarius B 29
16. August A 28 32. Gemini B 28 48. December B 29
Now I will calculate the calendar’s leap Neptune year. Its leap Neptune year will fall: every six Neptune years, omitted every 100 N-y, centurial one every 600 N-y. The leap bisol is February A 29 in Alpha. This calendar has an accuracy of 4,677,789 N-y, its Ls is the anti-meridian. To remember the lengths of the months say: “January A through Pisces A has 28 N-ld; February A has 28-29 N-ld; Aries A through June B have 28 N-ld; and all the rest have 29 N-ld,” and to remember the order refer back to my Jeremiahn Calendar for Mars and add a B section. Eventually if the colony ever got big enough we would need to develop Neptunian time zones as well. I would do this similar to the Earth’s time zones; which is add or subtract an hour every 15° E/W of the Prime Meridian, respectively. Neptune and its moons already have Equators and Prime Meridians. Someone else will name these time zones. On Neptune the GMT equivalent is Nullity Mean Time[5]. Nullity refers to being 0º E/W of Neptune’s Prime Meridian. When measuring from the Neptune’s Origin Point (0º E/W, 0º N/S) going clockwise there is 4,829.12 km between each time zone. Since Neptune has no surface colonists would be required to live in flying cities. Any lunar colonies will use this same calendar, but I will try to develop time zones for the Neptunian moons. So someone else will set up the Neptunian lunar time zones, but the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Six will be used on these Neptunian lunar colonies. When talking about lunar time zones, Neptune has several moons; so to establish the standard for the moons I will average the diameters. Their average diameter is 316.308 km, the time zones on the Neptunian moons will have 30.841 km between each time zone; going clockwise around them when measuring from their Origin Points. This calendar is to have a seven-bisol week-cycle, so that it is liked by the religious groups. This is acceptable to religious group, making religion on Neptune easy.
Only about half of Triton has been observed, but its terrain shows cratering and a strange regional feature described as resembling the skin of a cantaloupe. Nereid has the highest orbital eccentricity (0.75) of any moon.
The seven bisols in my Neptunian week are:
7 N-ld name meaning
1 Sunbisol Sunday (weekend)
2 Mondebisol Moons’ day
3 Tuesbisol Tuesday
4 Wednesbisol Wednesday
5 Thursbisol Thursday
6 Fribisol Friday
7 Saturbisol Saturday (weekend).
This calendar’s epoch is Jesus Christ’s birth. The JD count is 1,721,419. The epoch formula for Neptune is: ((y*365.2425*24)/32.2206)/44832.172; y = current Earth year, round to nearest whole number[6]. This would make the current Neptune year be +12:01 N or +12 in Alpha N. +12:01 N or +12 in Alpha N started on January 1, +2009 E and will end on August 8, +2010 E; August 9, +2010 E will start +12:02 N or +12 in Beta N. This calendar begins on January A 1 in each segment[7]. The Neptune year starts with January A 1 in Alpha. This is a non-perpetual calendar for Neptune; it is a Vernal Equinox Calendar. With this set up I can track the actual seasons on Neptune. The Neptune year is divided into four seasons[8]. The seasons fall: Vernal Equinox is February A 4 in Alpha, Summer Solstice is July A 8 in Perseus, Autumn Equinox is July A 8 in Andromeda, and Winter Solstice is July A 8 in Musca; all jump back a bisol on leap Neptune years. The holibisols are as follows: April A 22 in Beta is Neptune Bisol, December A 10 in Beta is Exploration Bisol, and Foundation Bisol is the bisol that the first colony was established on Neptune and/or its moons[9]. Each moon will have its own Foundation Bisol which will fall according to the definition. My reasoning for basing the calendar on Neptune and not each individual moon is as follows: they are moons of Neptune with locked orbits. None of these moons rotate, in that case and only that I would base the calendar on the moon not its primary. If we had a colony on Earth’s Moon the colonists would use the Earth calendar, Gregorian, not the Chinese for day to day activities and planning[10]. So this makes it logically to design a calendar for the Neptunian moons based on Neptune not each individual moon. NASA currently does not use an independent calendar for timekeeping on Neptune and/or its moons. The age equivalencies are start school at one segment, drive at three segments and 10 months, vote at and end school at three segments and 29 months, get drunk at four segments and 10 months, and retire at 13 segments and one month. The length of a workbisol is 10 h 44' 24.72". This is simple.
Posted by J.S. at 1:09 PM 0 comments
Applications information:
To talk evolution, I believe that people born on this planet could evolve into: Homo neptunus. Anyways people would set up everything to this calendar. The fiscal year would become just a cycle of any 33 calendar segments. When shipping between planets though everything would converted to the JD count or Earth-time. Now to talk the academic year, this would be quite different from Earth. So as to not get confused in the table below I will equate it to Earth-time for you. Our fix year is 12:05 N, so 12:06 N will start on January 1, 2011 E, and ends on November 11, 2015 E.
Triton is the largest moon of the planet Neptune, discovered on October 10, 1846 by William Lassell. It is the only large moon in the Solar System with a retrograde orbit, which is an orbit in the opposite direction to its planet’s rotation. At 2700 km in diameter, it is the seventh-largest moon in the Solar System. Triton comprises more than 99.5% of all the mass known to orbit Neptune, including the planet’s rings and twelve other known moons. Because of its retrograde orbit (unique in the Solar System for an object of its size) and composition similar to Pluto’s, Triton is thought to have been captured from the Kuiper belt.
Neptune Earth-time
grades ages grades ages grades
1 p 5 p
1&10 k 6 k
1&19 1 7 1
1&29 2 8 2
1&39 3 9 3
2 4 10 4
2&10 5 11 5
2&19 6 12 6
2&29 7 13 7
2&39 8 14 8
3 9 15 9
3&10 10 16 10
3&19 11 17 11
3&29 12 18 12
The importance of these applications is: because you were born on a different planet. If we were to measure you age in Earth-time we would not be getting an accurate image of how old you actually are. By setting everything to the new planet, Neptune, an accurate image of age and operations is given. The operations image explains why companies would set their fiscal year to the planet time, Neptune. Without it set to planet time, Neptune, and not Earth-time you would not get an accurate image of these company/business operations. As far as holidays/holibisols go there calendar would show both. The holidays on Neptune, most of them would be celebrated 33 times a year; the holibisols would be celebrated once per year. This would allow each holiday to occur once per segment.
The planet time is secondary. The planet time is tracked independently from Earth-time, but it is not shown apart from Earth-time. Therefore color codes are used: Neptune is turquoise, Earth is green. The life span of a human is: 24 segments and one month.
The way these calendars would be sold is near the end of each segment, because it is longer than an Earth year. The color coded remains the same for the clocks. All planet time clocks are digital, there is no “a.m./p.m.” style for Neptune. The clocks just count h ' ". Computers meant for Neptune would show time the same way. One Neptune-sol is shown as 16h06'37.000" and One Bisol is shown as 32h13'14.000". All Earth-time is shown in GMT. The Neptune time zones are arbitrary time zones; they are set up to the Neptunian coordinate system.
If someone was born on Neptune their birth certificate would read:
“Name: Terry Hue Greenstone ###-##-####
Place: New Joplin, United States Neptune Triton Colony #####
Room ### St. John’s Hospital #### Federal Street
When: June 6, +2026 E @ 2:56 p.m. or Capricorn B 9, +12:09 N @ 20h59'04.714"”
The birth certificate example above only includes what would be different between a regular Earth birth certificate and a birth certificate for someone born on this planet, Neptune. Next I will show you an example of what that same person’s divers license would look like, enlarged picture not included. All names in these examples are fake.
“NEW JOPLIN Under 21 E-y Until Class
DRIVER LICENSE 06-06-+2047 E (F)
45-09-+12:14 N
License Number N#########
Birth-date Expiration Date
06-06-+2026 E 06-06-+2046 E
45-09-+12:09 N 45-09-+12:13 N
(sex) (height) (weight) (eye color)
Restrictions Endorsements
sol 16 h 6' 37"
2 sols
bisols 32 h 13' 14"
clock 16 h 6' 37" face
year 164.79 E-y
33 segments 1 segment = 1775.09 M-d
1823.89 E-d
1358.55 N-ld
48 months
regular = 1358 N-ld
irregular = 1359 N-ld
common year 33 regular segments
leap year 32 regular segments, 1 irregular segment
placement February A 29 in Alpha
formula +6 N-y; -100 N-y, +600 N-y
distance 30.069 AU
moons 13
week 7 N-ld
accuracy 4,677,789 N-y
GMT Nullity Mean Time
covers 4829.12 km each
epoch 12/25/+0000 E 1,721,419
+12:01 N start January 1, +2009 E
end August 8, +2010 E
seasons spring Pisces A 20 in Alpha
summer Pisces B 29 in Pegasus
fall April A 20 in Cygnus
winter May A 29 in Norma
ages start school at 1 segment and 0 months
drive at 3 segments and 10 months
vote at 3 segments and 29 months
drink alcohol at 4 segments and 10 months
retire at 13 segments and 1 month
work 10 h 44' 24.72"
competitors N/A
independence no
[1] Joyce, Alan C. Planets of the Solar System, Neptune. World Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2008. 329-330.
[2] Scientific Astronomer Documentation. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Wolfram Research, Inc. 4 April 2009 <http://documents.wolfram.com/applications/astronomer/AdditionalInformation/PlanetographicCoordinates.html>
[3] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[4] wilderness.org. Nelson, Gaylord. October 1993. Google, Inc. 13 April 2009 <http://earthday.wilderness.org/history/>
[5] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009 <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Neptune&Display=Overview>
[6] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[7] Dictionary.com. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Ask.com. 2 April 2009 <http://dictionary.reference.com/translate>,Alphabetical listing of constellations. Dolan, Chris. 1 January 2005. Google, Inc. 11 May 2009 <http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/constellation_list.html>
[8] Rowen, Beth. Space. Time for kids Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2006. 220.
[9] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009 <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Neptune&Display=Moons>
[10] Greek Alphabet. Physics and Astronomy Links - PhysLink.com. Web. 09 Sept. 2009. <http://www.physlink.com/reference/GreekAlphabet.cfm>
[4] wilderness.org. Nelson, Gaylord. October 1993. Google, Inc. 13 April 2009 <http://earthday.wilderness.org/history/>
[5] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009 <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Neptune&Display=Overview>
[6] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[7] Dictionary.com. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Ask.com. 2 April 2009 <http://dictionary.reference.com/translate>,Alphabetical listing of constellations. Dolan, Chris. 1 January 2005. Google, Inc. 11 May 2009 <http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/constellation_list.html>
[8] Rowen, Beth. Space. Time for kids Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2006. 220.
[9] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009 <http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Neptune&Display=Moons>
[10] Greek Alphabet. Physics and Astronomy Links - PhysLink.com. Web. 09 Sept. 2009. <http://www.physlink.com/reference/GreekAlphabet.cfm>
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