Distance from the Sun
Perihelion 107,476,000 km
Aphelion 108,942,000 km
Mean distance 108,208,930 km (0.723 AU)
Year length 224.7 E-d
Orbital eccentricity 0.0067
Orbital inclination 3.39°
Solar day 116.75 E-d (retrograde)
Sidereal day 243.02 E-d (retrograde)
Rotational inclination 177.4°
Mass 4,868,500,000,000,000,000,000 t
Mean radius 6,051.8 km
Mean density 5.24 g/cm3
Moons 0
Average surface temperature 463.89 °C
August 17, +2009 E 9:06 AM
October 13, +2009 E 12:54 PM
January 4, +3267 V 08h56'17.736"
March 6, +3267 V 12h40'14.593"
A Calendar Variant for Venus
Here is another thing that I would advice[1]. If we ever get plans to put a colony on Venus, I would say “no.” We really should not put a colony there until we can figure out a way to speed up its rotation or “Venus-sol.” This is because its Venus-sol is over half as long as its year: 116.75 E-d. Venus has a retrograde rotation, but this is not important to my calendar. Its year is 224.65 E-d. With this in mind you would be aging a year almost every two Venus-sols, that’s ridiculous. This is way too slow for anyone to live there comfortably. Let us wait on getting a colony there for quite some time; it will probably never be wise to put a colony on Venus. Even if you could deal with this, the greenhouse effect on Venus would kill you. Looking at these measurements you can also see that age equivalents would be confusing, because you would vote before one Venus year and retire before three Venus years. Those would be ridiculously hard to stand. The length of a work-Venus-sol is 38 E-d 22 h 3". No one would ever even attempt to meet these standards, that is why we should never go there.
Even though I would advise against it, here are some ways that you could put a colony on Venus[2]. Darken your sleep quarters when you want to sleep, because the sun only sets twice a Venus year. This is the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar for Venus also known as Jeremiahn Variant Calendar One. Divide the Venus-sol 100 ways; so centisols are used on the calendar. A centisol is 28.02 h (28 h 1' 12"). One Venus year is 224.65 E-d or 192.42 V-cd (192 V-cd 11 h 46' 6.24"). [3][4]That is 4 h 1' 12" longer than a day. This clock will count 28 h 1' 12" before ticking to the next centisol; to preserve our hours, minutes, and seconds. This clock will have a millisecond counter. The base unit is the “centisol.” This calendar will have seven months; span 27-28 V-cd each. It has a 192 V-cd common Venus year and a 193 V-cd leap Venus year. [5][6][7]This calendar does start with one on its year count. Venus is 108,208,930 km (0.723 AU) from the Sun, which gives it a shorter year.
#. months spans
1. January 27
2. February 27-28
3. March 27
4. April 27
5. May 28
6. June 28
7. July 28
This calendar just needs to satisfy Earthlings. Venus is referred to as Earth’s twin, which explains my calendar choice. The leap Venus year will fall: every three Venus years, every five Venus years, omitted every 100 V-y, and a centurial leap year every 300 V-y. The leap centisol is February 28. This calendar has an accuracy of 4,793,457 V-y, its Ls is the anti-meridian. Eventually if the colony ever got big enough we would need to develop Venusian time zones as well. I would do this similar to the Earth’s time zones; which is add or subtract an hour every 15° E/W of the Prime Meridian, respectively. On Venus the GMT equivalent is Eve Mean Time. Eve is a radar bright-spot that lies on Venus’ Prime Meridian[8]. [9]When measuring from the Venus’ Origin Point (0º E/W, 0º N/S) going clockwise there is 1,356.648 km between each time zone. Venus has no official moons, so no lunar colony for Venus. To remember the lengths recite this “27 V-cd have the first four months, except on leap Venus years when February has 28 V-cd, and the last three months have 28 V-cd.” This calendar will have a seven-centisol week-cycle. This will be acceptable to religious groups, making religion on Venus easy.
The seven centisols in my Venusian week are:
7 V-cd name meaning
1 Suncentisol Sunday (weekend)
2 Vnocentisol 2002 VE68’s day
3 Tuescentisol Tuesday
4 Wednescentisol Wednesday
5 Thurscentisol Thursday
6 Eriscentisol Eris’ day
7 Saturcentisol Saturday (weekend).
This calendar’s epoch is Jesus Christ’s birth. The JD count is 1,721,419. The epoch formula for Venus is: ((y*365.2425*24)/28.02)/192.42; y = current Earth year, round to nearest whole number. This would make the current Venus year be +3266 V. +3266 V started on January 1, +2009 E and will end on August 13, +2009 E; August 14, +2009 E will start +3267 V. This calendar begins with January 1. This is a Vernal Equinox calendar for Venus, it is non-perpetual. The seasons will fall like this: February 12 is Vernal Equinox, April 6 is Summer Solstice, May 27 is Autumnal Equinox, and July 19 is Winter Solstice; all jump back a centisol on leap Venus years. The holicentisols are January 14 is Venus Centisol, January 5 is Exploration Centisol, and a Foundation Centisol to celebrate the first time a colony was put on Venus. Since Venusian surface is so harsh the best choice for the living conditions of the colonists is flying cities, held up by anti-grav. NASA currently doesn’t use an independent calendar for timekeeping on Venus. The age equivalencies are start school at eight Venus years, drive at 26 V-y, vote at and end school at 30 V-y, get drunk at 34 V-y, and retire at 106 V-y. The length of a workcentisol is 9 h 20' 24". This is simple to grasp for most humans with a brain. This will be accepted by religious groups. This is simple.
Posted by J.S. at 1:00 PM
Rough draft information:
When I first considered making a calendar for Venus I made it for two orbits of the planet. I called this calendar the Jeremiahn Two-Orbit Calendar for Venus. It had 12 months names for the Chinese Zodiac. Every seasonal event on this calendar occurred twice. Its exact length: 384.84 V-cd or 449.30 E-d. The months went in conventional Chinese Zodiac order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. They spanned about 32.07 V-cd each. The leap year was inaccurate, now it is more correct. Technically the length of this calendar was called a “bivenusyear(s).” Originally when I developed the calendar shown in this book I called it the Jeremiahn One-Orbit Calendar for Venus. It’s month names originally where named for the French Zodiac; it still had a February equivalent. This calendar better tracked Venus’s actual seasons. Each season had approximately 48 V-cd between them. Now they have exactly 48 V-cd between them. After long consideration of how to do this I finally switched all the months to their current alignment. I disbanded the Two-Orbit Calendar for Venus because of friendly advice. After disbanding the Two-Orbit Calendar for Venus I renamed the One-Orbit Calendar for Venus to the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar for Venus, then after awhile I renamed it the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar One. All these rough drafts can still be viewed on my YouTube Channel. Nothing about this previous calendar for Venus I developed is really important because I have deleted it. This will be the final record of its existence. I do not want this to be taken out of context but I do not know what I was thinking when I designed the Jeremiahn Two-Orbit Calendar for Venus. That calendar was by far my most confusing and stupid calendar proposed. Our fixed year is 3268 V, so 3269 V will start on August 1, 2010 E, and end on March 12, 2011 E.
Applications information:
To talk evolution, I believe that people born on this planet could evolve into: Homo vener. Anyways people would set up everything to this calendar. The fiscal year would become just a cycle of any seven calendar months. When shipping between planets though everything would converted to the JD count or Earth-time. Now to talk the academic year, this would be quite different from Earth. So as to not get confused in the table below I will equate it to Earth-time for you.
With these calendars they are unique in that two would be sold every other year. So these two would be sold in the same package, which is well 14 months. This would be longer than an Earth-year. I am just saying that the calendars would still be sold around the same time as you get you new calendars now, it would not be any sooner just because you are on a planet that has a shorter year. This is because everything is defaulted to Earth-time in my system, the planet time is secondary. The planet time is tracked independently from Earth-time, but it is not shown apart from Earth-time. Therefore color codes are used: Venus is yellow, Earth is green. The same thing remains true for the clocks, but with that all clocks that track planet-time are digital there are no face clocks for planet-time. Planet time clocks also do not use an “a.m./p.m.” system, instead they just count the limit: one centisol of 28 h 1' 12". Only Earth-time is shown in that “a.m./p.m.” style. This is because there is now good “a.m./p.m.” style for planet time. Even your computers built either on this planet and meant for used on this planet or built on another planet and meant to be used on this planet would also show time this way. An example of how to planet times would be displayed on a planet clock: mid-centisol is 14h00'36.000"; end-centisol is 28h01'12.000". The reason it is not called “noon” and “midnight” is because the centisol does not track the entire Venus-sol, but is just a 1/100th part of it. All Earth clocks and time period shown would be defaulted to GMT. The Venus time zones are completely arbitrary, they just for our convenience, there is no set of them being linked to the solar angles of the Sun. If this was true they would better follow the coordinate system for Venus. These time-zones are best system to use for Venus.
Key: p = preschool, k = kindergarten, m = moderate, g = graduate, d = done
Venus Earth-time
grades ages grades ages grades
8 p 5 p
9 k
10 1 6 k
11 2
12 3 7 1
13 4
14 5 8 2
15 6
16 7 9 3
17 8
18 9 10 4
19 10
20 11 11 5
21 12
22 13 12 6
23 14
24 15 13 7
25 16
26 17 14 8
27 18 15 9
28 m 16 10
29 g 17 11
30 d 18 12
The importance of these applications is: because you were born on a different planet. If we were to measure you age in Earth-time we would not be getting an accurate image of how old you actually are. By setting everything to the new planet, Venus, an accurate image of age and operations is given. The operations image explains why companies would set their fiscal year to the planet time, Venus. Without it set to planet time, Venus, and not Earth-time you would not get an accurate image of these company/business operations. As far as holidays/holicentisols go there calendar would show both. The holidays on Venus, most of them would be celebrated every other year; the holicentisols would be celebrated once per year. The life span of a human is: 195 V-y.
If someone was born on Venus their birth certificate would read:
“Name: Elizabeth Jane Lameington ###-##-####
Place: New Houston, United States Venus Colony #####
Room ### St. John’s Hospital #### Federal Street
When: June 6, +2049 E @ 2:56 p.m. or January 5, +3333 V @ 04h43'38.000"”
The birth certificate example above only includes what would be different between a regular Earth birth certificate and a birth certificate for someone born on this planet, Venus. Next I will show you an example of what that same person’s divers license would look like, enlarged picture not included. All names in these examples are fake.
“NEW HOUSTON Under 21 E-y Until Class
DRIVER LICENSE 06-06-+2070 E (F)
01-05-+3365 V
License Number N#########
Birth-date Expiration Date
06-06-+2049 E 06-06-+2069 E
01-05-+3333 V 01-05-+3364 V
Female (height) (weight) (eye color)
Restrictions Endorsements
On the next page is a suggested time zones map for Venus. Equivalencies: 25.4 mm = 4,001 km. The “Anti-Meridian” doubles as a zone-end line, and when we colonize it will triple as an “International Date Line.” For Venus when you crossed the “International Date Line” you would set your planet-time clocks ahead/back a full 28 h 01' 12" (one centisol) depending on direction of travel. Officially on Venus it will not be called Daylight Savings Time (DST); instead it’ll be called Centisollight Savings Time (CST).
#. months spans
1. January 27
2. February 27-28
3. March 27
4. April 27
5. May 28
6. June 28
7. July 28
This calendar just needs to satisfy Earthlings. Venus is referred to as Earth’s twin, which explains my calendar choice. The leap Venus year will fall: every three Venus years, every five Venus years, omitted every 100 V-y, and a centurial leap year every 300 V-y. The leap centisol is February 28. This calendar has an accuracy of 4,793,457 V-y, its Ls is the anti-meridian. Eventually if the colony ever got big enough we would need to develop Venusian time zones as well. I would do this similar to the Earth’s time zones; which is add or subtract an hour every 15° E/W of the Prime Meridian, respectively. On Venus the GMT equivalent is Eve Mean Time. Eve is a radar bright-spot that lies on Venus’ Prime Meridian[8]. [9]When measuring from the Venus’ Origin Point (0º E/W, 0º N/S) going clockwise there is 1,356.648 km between each time zone. Venus has no official moons, so no lunar colony for Venus. To remember the lengths recite this “27 V-cd have the first four months, except on leap Venus years when February has 28 V-cd, and the last three months have 28 V-cd.” This calendar will have a seven-centisol week-cycle. This will be acceptable to religious groups, making religion on Venus easy.
The seven centisols in my Venusian week are:
7 V-cd name meaning
1 Suncentisol Sunday (weekend)
2 Vnocentisol 2002 VE68’s day
3 Tuescentisol Tuesday
4 Wednescentisol Wednesday
5 Thurscentisol Thursday
6 Eriscentisol Eris’ day
7 Saturcentisol Saturday (weekend).
This calendar’s epoch is Jesus Christ’s birth. The JD count is 1,721,419. The epoch formula for Venus is: ((y*365.2425*24)/28.02)/192.42; y = current Earth year, round to nearest whole number. This would make the current Venus year be +3266 V. +3266 V started on January 1, +2009 E and will end on August 13, +2009 E; August 14, +2009 E will start +3267 V. This calendar begins with January 1. This is a Vernal Equinox calendar for Venus, it is non-perpetual. The seasons will fall like this: February 12 is Vernal Equinox, April 6 is Summer Solstice, May 27 is Autumnal Equinox, and July 19 is Winter Solstice; all jump back a centisol on leap Venus years. The holicentisols are January 14 is Venus Centisol, January 5 is Exploration Centisol, and a Foundation Centisol to celebrate the first time a colony was put on Venus. Since Venusian surface is so harsh the best choice for the living conditions of the colonists is flying cities, held up by anti-grav. NASA currently doesn’t use an independent calendar for timekeeping on Venus. The age equivalencies are start school at eight Venus years, drive at 26 V-y, vote at and end school at 30 V-y, get drunk at 34 V-y, and retire at 106 V-y. The length of a workcentisol is 9 h 20' 24". This is simple to grasp for most humans with a brain. This will be accepted by religious groups. This is simple.
Posted by J.S. at 1:00 PM
Rough draft information:
When I first considered making a calendar for Venus I made it for two orbits of the planet. I called this calendar the Jeremiahn Two-Orbit Calendar for Venus. It had 12 months names for the Chinese Zodiac. Every seasonal event on this calendar occurred twice. Its exact length: 384.84 V-cd or 449.30 E-d. The months went in conventional Chinese Zodiac order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. They spanned about 32.07 V-cd each. The leap year was inaccurate, now it is more correct. Technically the length of this calendar was called a “bivenusyear(s).” Originally when I developed the calendar shown in this book I called it the Jeremiahn One-Orbit Calendar for Venus. It’s month names originally where named for the French Zodiac; it still had a February equivalent. This calendar better tracked Venus’s actual seasons. Each season had approximately 48 V-cd between them. Now they have exactly 48 V-cd between them. After long consideration of how to do this I finally switched all the months to their current alignment. I disbanded the Two-Orbit Calendar for Venus because of friendly advice. After disbanding the Two-Orbit Calendar for Venus I renamed the One-Orbit Calendar for Venus to the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar for Venus, then after awhile I renamed it the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar One. All these rough drafts can still be viewed on my YouTube Channel. Nothing about this previous calendar for Venus I developed is really important because I have deleted it. This will be the final record of its existence. I do not want this to be taken out of context but I do not know what I was thinking when I designed the Jeremiahn Two-Orbit Calendar for Venus. That calendar was by far my most confusing and stupid calendar proposed. Our fixed year is 3268 V, so 3269 V will start on August 1, 2010 E, and end on March 12, 2011 E.
Applications information:
To talk evolution, I believe that people born on this planet could evolve into: Homo vener. Anyways people would set up everything to this calendar. The fiscal year would become just a cycle of any seven calendar months. When shipping between planets though everything would converted to the JD count or Earth-time. Now to talk the academic year, this would be quite different from Earth. So as to not get confused in the table below I will equate it to Earth-time for you.
With these calendars they are unique in that two would be sold every other year. So these two would be sold in the same package, which is well 14 months. This would be longer than an Earth-year. I am just saying that the calendars would still be sold around the same time as you get you new calendars now, it would not be any sooner just because you are on a planet that has a shorter year. This is because everything is defaulted to Earth-time in my system, the planet time is secondary. The planet time is tracked independently from Earth-time, but it is not shown apart from Earth-time. Therefore color codes are used: Venus is yellow, Earth is green. The same thing remains true for the clocks, but with that all clocks that track planet-time are digital there are no face clocks for planet-time. Planet time clocks also do not use an “a.m./p.m.” system, instead they just count the limit: one centisol of 28 h 1' 12". Only Earth-time is shown in that “a.m./p.m.” style. This is because there is now good “a.m./p.m.” style for planet time. Even your computers built either on this planet and meant for used on this planet or built on another planet and meant to be used on this planet would also show time this way. An example of how to planet times would be displayed on a planet clock: mid-centisol is 14h00'36.000"; end-centisol is 28h01'12.000". The reason it is not called “noon” and “midnight” is because the centisol does not track the entire Venus-sol, but is just a 1/100th part of it. All Earth clocks and time period shown would be defaulted to GMT. The Venus time zones are completely arbitrary, they just for our convenience, there is no set of them being linked to the solar angles of the Sun. If this was true they would better follow the coordinate system for Venus. These time-zones are best system to use for Venus.
Key: p = preschool, k = kindergarten, m = moderate, g = graduate, d = done
Venus Earth-time
grades ages grades ages grades
8 p 5 p
9 k
10 1 6 k
11 2
12 3 7 1
13 4
14 5 8 2
15 6
16 7 9 3
17 8
18 9 10 4
19 10
20 11 11 5
21 12
22 13 12 6
23 14
24 15 13 7
25 16
26 17 14 8
27 18 15 9
28 m 16 10
29 g 17 11
30 d 18 12
The importance of these applications is: because you were born on a different planet. If we were to measure you age in Earth-time we would not be getting an accurate image of how old you actually are. By setting everything to the new planet, Venus, an accurate image of age and operations is given. The operations image explains why companies would set their fiscal year to the planet time, Venus. Without it set to planet time, Venus, and not Earth-time you would not get an accurate image of these company/business operations. As far as holidays/holicentisols go there calendar would show both. The holidays on Venus, most of them would be celebrated every other year; the holicentisols would be celebrated once per year. The life span of a human is: 195 V-y.
If someone was born on Venus their birth certificate would read:
“Name: Elizabeth Jane Lameington ###-##-####
Place: New Houston, United States Venus Colony #####
Room ### St. John’s Hospital #### Federal Street
When: June 6, +2049 E @ 2:56 p.m. or January 5, +3333 V @ 04h43'38.000"”
The birth certificate example above only includes what would be different between a regular Earth birth certificate and a birth certificate for someone born on this planet, Venus. Next I will show you an example of what that same person’s divers license would look like, enlarged picture not included. All names in these examples are fake.
“NEW HOUSTON Under 21 E-y Until Class
DRIVER LICENSE 06-06-+2070 E (F)
01-05-+3365 V
License Number N#########
Birth-date Expiration Date
06-06-+2049 E 06-06-+2069 E
01-05-+3333 V 01-05-+3364 V
Female (height) (weight) (eye color)
Restrictions Endorsements
On the next page is a suggested time zones map for Venus. Equivalencies: 25.4 mm = 4,001 km. The “Anti-Meridian” doubles as a zone-end line, and when we colonize it will triple as an “International Date Line.” For Venus when you crossed the “International Date Line” you would set your planet-time clocks ahead/back a full 28 h 01' 12" (one centisol) depending on direction of travel. Officially on Venus it will not be called Daylight Savings Time (DST); instead it’ll be called Centisollight Savings Time (CST).
sol 116.75 E-d
100 V-cd
1 V-cd 28 h 1' 12"
clock 14 h 36" face
year 224.65 E-y
192.42 V-cd
7 months
common year 192 V-cd
leap year 193 V-cd
placement February 28
formula +3 V-y, +5 V-y; -100 V-y, +300 V-y
distance 0.723 AU
moons 0
week 7 V-cd
accuracy 4,793,457 V-y
GMT Eve Mean Time
covers 1356.648 km each
epoch 12/25/+0000 E 1,721,419
+2009 E Start January 1, +2009 E January 1, +3266 V
+3266 V End August 13, +2009 E May 22, +3267 V
seasons Spring February 12
Summer April 6
Fall May 27
Winter July 19
ages Start school at 8 V-y
Drive at 26 V-y
Vote at 30 V-y
Drink alcohol at 34 V-y
Retire at 106 V-y
work 9 h 20' 24"
competitors N/A
independence no
sol 116.75 E-d
100 V-cd
1 V-cd 28 h 1' 12"
clock 14 h 36" face
year 224.65 E-y
192.42 V-cd
7 months
common year 192 V-cd
leap year 193 V-cd
placement February 28
formula +3 V-y, +5 V-y; -100 V-y, +300 V-y
distance 0.723 AU
moons 0
week 7 V-cd
accuracy 4,793,457 V-y
GMT Eve Mean Time
covers 1356.648 km each
epoch 12/25/+0000 E 1,721,419
+2009 E Start January 1, +2009 E January 1, +3266 V
+3266 V End August 13, +2009 E May 22, +3267 V
seasons Spring February 12
Summer April 6
Fall May 27
Winter July 19
ages Start school at 8 V-y
Drive at 26 V-y
Vote at 30 V-y
Drink alcohol at 34 V-y
Retire at 106 V-y
work 9 h 20' 24"
competitors N/A
independence no
[1] Joyce, Alan C. Planets of the Solar System, Venus. World Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2008. 328.
[2] wilderness.org. Nelson, Gaylord. October 1993. Google, Inc. 13 April 2009 <http://earthday.wilderness.org/history/>
[3] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[4] Davies, M.E. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy. 63. City: Springer Netherlands, 1994.
[5] Scientific Astronomer Documentation. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Wolfram Research, Inc. 4 April 2009 <http://documents.wolfram.com/applications/astronomer/AdditionalInformation/PlanetographicCoordinates.html>
[6] Dictionary.com. anonymous. 1 January 2009. Ask.com. 2 April 2009 <http://dictionary.reference.com/translate>,Alphabetical listing of constellations. Dolan, Chris. 1 January 2005. Google, Inc. 11 May 2009 <http://www.astro.wisc.edu/~dolan/constellations/constellation_list.html>
[7] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[8] Rowen, Beth. Space. Time for kids Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2006. 219.
[9] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 21 January 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009<http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/planets/profile.cfm?Object=Venus&Display=Overview>
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