Jeremiahn is a simple calendar for Mars. This is a Christian calendar for Mars. It is the only Christian calendar for Mars, so far. This calendar also has variants to be used on every other planet and a few dwarfs. With the Gas Giant variants they are mostly for used on their moons. Each of my variants also has Christian aspects.

August 08, 2009

A Calendar Variant for Saturn

6. Saturn: 1,426,725,400 km (9.537 AU) 6 Jeremiahn Variants
Distance from the Sun
Perihelion 1,349,467,000 km
Aphelion 1,503,983,000 km
Mean distance 1,426,725,400 km (9.537 AU)
Year length 29.458 E-y
Orbital eccentricity 0.0565
Orbital inclination 2.485°
Solar day 10 h 39' 23"
Sidereal day 10 h 39' 22"
Rotational inclination 26.7°
Mass 568,510,000,000,000,000,000,000 t
Mean radius 60,268 km
Mean density 0.70 g/cm3
Moons 60
Average surface temperature* -138.89 °C
* i.e., temperature where atmosphere pressure equals one Earth atmosphere.
August 17, +2009 E 9:11 AM
September 29, +2009 E 2:34 PM
August 17, +68:01 S 09h17'29.509"
September 29, +68:01 S 14h44'17.841"
A Calendar Variant for Saturn

Now let us talk about a calendar for Saturn and its moons[1]. Thomas Gangale’s attempt makes a calendar for only one moon and it is based on that moon, Titan. This is the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar for Saturn also known as Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Three. My calendar could be used for any of the Saturnian moons. Saturn’s year is 29.5 E-y. NASA recognizes this as Saturn’s official rotation: 10.656 h (10 h 39' 23"), so the length I will take that times two: 21.313 h (21 h 18' 46.8"). That is a “bisol.” The “bisol” is the base unit[2]. The bisol is 2 h 41' 13.2" shorter than a day. I will divide the Saturn year 33 ways, then take that put it in days, 326.505 E-d, and then hours and then divide that by the bisol giving us 367.668 S-ld (367 S-ld 14 h 14' 26.946"). The Saturn year is divided into 33 segments of this length. The Saturn year and segment are written together like this {S-y:segment} for the calendar year and measuring other things such as people’s age. You can write the Saturn year the segment name but you can only write people’s with the colon. The clock for this calendar uses our hours, minutes, and seconds. We will count 21 h 18' 46.8" before ticking to the next bisol. To do this we will use a millisecond counter. Divide each segment into 12 months; span 30-31 S-ld each. A 367 S-ld regular segment and a 368 S-ld irregular segment. A common Saturn year has 33 regular segments and a leap Saturn year has 32 regular segments and one irregular segment. [3][4]This calendar does start with one on its Saturn year count. Saturn is 1,426,725,400 km (9.537 AU) from the Sun, which gives it a longer year. Saturn has a mass of 95.159 Earths, mean radius of 58,232.62 km, and 60 or more moons. Saturn’s atmosphere is composed primarily of 96.3% hydrogen, 3.3% helium, and traces of methane, ammonia, hydrogen deuteride, ethane, and water. Saturn’s ring system is the planet’s most recognizable feature. It begins about 6,437.389 km above the visible disk of Saturn lying above its Equator and extends about 418,430.277 km into space. Saturn is recorded to have over 1,000 rings.
Saturn, named for the Roman ruler of the Titans, is the sixth planet from the Sun and most distant of the planets visible to the unaided eye. Saturn is second in size to Jupiter, but its mass is much smaller. Saturn is the only planet less dense than water, meaning that Saturn would float if there were a pool of water gigantic enough to hold it.
Saturn’s atmosphere resembles Jupiter’s; it likely has a small dense center surrounded by a deep ocean of hydrogen.
Saturn has many natural satellites, most of which were not discovered until space probes reached the planet. Saturn’s moon Mimas has an impact crater 130.329 km across (the moon itself is only 400.641 km across). Enceladus has an atmosphere and shows evidence of geysers that spit water ice and vapor. Two tiny moons orbit within the rings, plowing through and making gaps in the rings along their orbits. Pan the inner most satellite creates the Encke Gap of Saturn’s A-ring. 2005 S1 creates the Keeler Gap. The most intriguing Saturnian moon is Titan. The second biggest moon in the Solar System, Titan is bigger than Mercury. Its atmosphere is similar to Earth’s atmosphere of long ago; it is made up of approximately 95 percent nitrogen with traces of methane.
The 33 Segments in my Saturnian year are:
#. segments spans #. segments spans
name months S-ld name months S-ld
1. Alpha 12 367-368 18. Antlia 12 367
2. Beta 12 367 19. Aquila 12 367
3. Draco 12 367 20. Grus 12 367
4. Lynx 12 367 21. Lyra 12 367
5. Hercules 12 367 22. Norma 12 367
6. Serpentarius 12 367 23. Microscopium 12 367
7. Phoenix 12 367 24. Monoceros 12 367
8. Pegasus 12 367 25. Musca 12 367
9. Perseus 12 367 26. Orion 12 367
10. Lepus 12 367 27. Sextans 12 367
11. Octans 12 367 28. Volans 12 367
12. Crater 12 367 29. Serpens 12 367
13. Hydrus 12 367 30. Scutum 12 367
14. Fornax 12 367 31. Pyxis 12 367
15. Cygnus 12 367 32. Sagitta 12 367
16. Eridanus 12 367 33. Omega 12 367
17. Andromeda 12 367
Titan’s atmosphere extends about 579.24 km into space whereas Earth’s atmosphere extends about 59.53 km. Photographs from the surface show muddy terrain, with possible deposits of water ice, channels carved by liquid methane springs, and an interesting boundary between light and dark materials on the surface. In addition, in 2006, scientists found sand dunes on Titan’s surface. The “sand” is believed to be tiny water ice crystals or organic compounds. Surface phenomenons such as sand dunes are signs of erosion and wind. However, unlike on Earth or Mars, Titan’s winds are not the result of uneven solar heating on the moon’s surface, but rather the strong gravitational pull from Saturn that creates atmospheric “tides” almost in the same way Earth’s moon does to the oceans.
The 12 months in each Segment in my Saturnian year are:
#. months spans
1. January 30
2. February 30-31
3. March 30
4. April 30
5. May 30
6. June 31
7. July 31
8. August 31
9. September 31
10. October 31
11. November 31
12. December 31
This calendar will have a leap Saturn year. It falls like this: every 20 S-y. The leap bisol is February 31 in Alpha. This calendar has an accuracy of 4,986,789 S-y, its Ls is the anti-meridian. To remember the lengths of the months say: “January has 30 S-ld; February has 30-31 S-ld; March, April, and May have 30 S-ld; and all the rest have 31 S-ld.” Eventually if the colony ever got big enough we would need to develop Saturnian time zones as well. I would do this similar to the Earth’s time zones; which is add or subtract an hour every 15° E/W of the Prime Meridian, respectively. Saturn and its moons already have Equators and Prime Meridians. Someone else will name these time zones. On Saturn the GMT equivalent is Nada Mean Time. Nada refers to being 0º E/W of Saturn’s Prime Meridian. When measuring from the Saturn’s Origin Point (0º E/W, 0º N/S) going clockwise there is 18,953.228 km between each time zone. Since Saturn has no surface colonists would be required to live in flying cities. When talking about lunar time zones, Saturn has several moons; so to establish the standard for the moons I will average the diameters of each grouping of the moons. The Moonlets group has an average diameter of 270 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 42.412 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. The Ring Shepherds moons have an average diameter of 27.456 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 4.313 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. Co-orbital moons average diameter of 146.1 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 22.949 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. The Alkyonides group has an average diameter of 2.667 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 0.419 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. Trojan moons average diameter of 387.317 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 59.426 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. The Outer Large group has an average diameter of 2,105.45 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 330.723 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. The Inner Large group has an average diameter of 450.4 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 70.749 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. The Inuit group has an average diameter of 19.4 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 3.047 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. The Norse group has an average diameter of 13.929 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 2.188 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. The Gallic group has an average diameter of 15.75 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 2.474 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise. The Irregular moons have an average diameter of 19.4 km, so time zones on these moons will cover 3.047 km each measuring from their Origin Points going around them clockwise[5]. This calendar is to have a seven-bisol week-cycle, so that it is liked by the religious groups. This is acceptable to religious group, making religion on Saturn easy. This is in contrast to Thomas Gangale’s eight circadian week-cycles on his lunar calendar for Saturn’s moon: Titan. Titan is the only moon to have an atmosphere, but it does not rotate so does not need an independent calendar. I am tempted to begin the week with Saturday, because the primary of these moons’ Saturn.
The seven bisols in my Saturnian week are:
7 S-ld name meaning
1 Sunbisol Sunday (weekend)
2 Mondebisol Moons’ day
3 Tuesbisol Tuesday
4 Wednesbisol Wednesday
5 Thursbisol Thursday
6 Fribisol Friday
7 Plutobisol Pluto’s day (weekend).
This calendar’s epoch is Jesus Christ’s birth. The JD count is 1,721,419. The epoch formula for Saturn is: ((y*365.2425*24)/21.313)/12133.05; y = current Earth year, round to nearest whole number. This would make the current Saturn year be +68:01 S or +68 in Alpha S. +68:01 S or +68 in Alpha S started on January 1, +2009 E and will end on November 23, +2009 E; November 24, +2009 E will start +68:02 S or +68 in Beta S. This calendar begins on January 1 in each segment. The Saturn year begins with January 1 in Alpha. This is a non-perpetual calendar for Saturn; it is a Vernal Equinox Calendar. With this set up I can track the actual seasons on Saturn. The Saturn year is divided into four seasons. The seasons fall: Vernal Equinox is February 19 in Alpha, Summer Solstice is March 4 in Perseus, Autumn Equinox is March 4 in Andromeda, and Winter Solstice is March 4 in Musca; all jump back a bisol on leap Saturn years. The holibisols are as follows: April 12 in Beta is Saturn Bisol, December 10 in Beta is Exploration Bisol, and Foundation Bisol is the bisol that the first colony was established on Saturn and/or its moons. Each moon will have its own Foundation Bisol which will fall according to the definition. My reasoning for basing the calendar on Saturn and not each individual moon is as follows: they are moons of Saturn with locked orbits. None of these moons rotate, in that case and only that I would base the calendar on the moon not its primary. If we had a colony on Earth’s Moon the colonists would use the Earth calendar, Gregorian, not the Chinese for day to day activities and planning. So this makes it logically to design a calendar for the Saturnian moons based on Saturn not each individual moon. NASA currently does not use an independent calendar for timekeeping on Saturn and/or its moons. The age equivalencies are start school at five segments, drive at 0:18 S-y, vote at and end school at 0:20 S-y, get drunk at 0:23 S-y, and retire at 2:07 S-y. The length of a workbisol is 7 h 6' 15.6". This is simple[6][7][8][9][10].
Posted by J.S. at 11:00 AM
Rough draft information:
When I first developed a calendar for Saturn I made it to where it did not cover the entire Saturn year. Instead my first calendar I proposed covered a length similar, but much shorter than the Earth year. It was called the Jeremiahn Earth-Length Calendar (Two) for Saturn. It did not track any seasonal changes for Saturn. It did have arbitrary four phases on it similar in length to Earth’s seasons. It was not very accurate at all. This one’s months were the same as the Earth months or they were the German Zodiac. This one’s true length was: 430.36 S-ld or 358.63 E-d; each month was about 35.86 S-ld. The second calendar I came up with was similar in length to Mars, but still yet shorter than a Mars year. It was called the Jeremiahn Mars-Length Calendar (Two) for Saturn. It did not track any seasonal changes for Saturn. It did have arbitrary four phases on it similar in length to Mars’ seasons. It was not very accurate at all. This one’s months were the same as the Mars months or they were slightly different. This one’s true length was: 812.425 S-ld, 677.02 E-d, or 658.91 M-d; each month was about 33.85 S-ld. Before I proposed a “full length calendar” the bisol for Saturn was only 20 h, then I checked my math and found out that it should be 21.313 h. The first calendar I proposed that actually covered the entire Saturn year was the Jeremiahn 12-month Stretch Calendar (Two) for Saturn. Like its name suggests it took only 12 months of arbitrary lengths and stretched them to fit the length of one Saturn year. It tracked actual seasonal changes for Saturn. This one had the same months as the Earth-Length Calendar (Two). Each month on here had about: 1011.09 S-ld. Then there was the Jeremiahn 24-month Stretch Calendar (Two) for Saturn. This one had the same months as the Mars-Length Calendar (Two). Each month on here had about: 505.54 S-ld. Then there was the Jeremiahn 398-month Calendar. Each month on here had about: 30.49 S-ld. After all this I finally got a good system: the Jeremiahn Variant Calendar Three. This is the one thoroughly explained in this book. Their lengths were the same as the current one thoroughly explained in this book. Our fixed year is 68:05 S, so 68:06 S starts on April 11, 2011 E, and end on March 3, 2012 E.
Applications information:
To talk evolution, I believe that people born on this planet could evolve into: Homo saturnus, H. s. kentauroi. Anyways people would set up everything to this calendar. The fiscal year would become just a cycle of any 33 calendar segments. When shipping between planets though everything would converted to the JD count or Earth-time. Now to talk the academic year, this would be quite different from Earth. So as to not get confused in the table below I will equate it to Earth-time for you.
Saturn Earth-time
grades ages grades ages grades
0:05 p 5 p
0:06 k 6 k
0:07 1 7 1
0:08 2 8 2
0:09 3 9 3
0:10 4 10 4
0:11 5 11 5
0:12 6 12 6
0:13 7 13 7
0:14 8 14 8
0:15 9 15 9
0:16 10
0:17 11 16 10
0:18 12
0:19 13 17 11
0:20 14 18 12
The importance of these applications is: because you were born on a different planet. If we were to measure you age in Earth-time we would not be getting an accurate image of how old you actually are. By setting everything to the new planet, Saturn, an accurate image of age and operations is given. The operations image explains why companies would set their fiscal year to the planet time, Saturn. Without it set to planet time, Saturn, and not Earth-time you would not get an accurate image of these company/business operations. As far as holidays/holibisols go there calendar would show both. The holidays on Saturn, most of them would be celebrated 33 times a year; the holibisols would be celebrated once per year. This would allow each holiday to occur once per segment.
The planet time is secondary. The planet time is tracked independently from Earth-time, but it is not shown apart from Earth-time. Therefore color codes are used: Saturn is violet, Earth is green. The life span of a human is: 4:02 S-y.
The way these calendars would be sold is near the end of the Saturn year, because it is longer than an Earth year. The color coded remains the same for the clocks. All planet time clocks are digital, there is no “a.m./p.m.” style for Saturn. The clocks just count 21 h 18' 46.8". Computers meant for Saturn would show time the same way. One Saturn-sol is shown as on the clock this is that 10h39'23.000" and One Bisol is shown as 21h18'46.800". All Earth-time is shown in GMT. The Saturn time zones are arbitrary time zones; they are not set up to the Saturn coordinate system.
If someone was born on Saturn their birth certificate would read:
“Name: Christy Ashley Johnson ###-##-####
Place: New Lamar, United States Saturn Titan Colony #####
Room ### St. John’s Hospital #### Federal Street
When: June 6, +2026 E @ 2:56 p.m. or July 23, +68:23 S @ 13h24'13.392"”
The birth certificate example above only includes what would be different between a regular Earth birth certificate and a birth certificate for someone born on this planet, Saturn. Next I will show you an example of what that same person’s divers license would look like, enlarged picture not included. All names in these examples are fake.
“NEW LAMAR Under 21 E-y Until Class
DRIVER LICENSE 06-06-+2047 E (F)
01-05-+68:13 S
License Number N#########
Birth-date Expiration Date
06-06-+2026 E 06-06-+2046 E
07-23-+68:23 S 07-23-+69:12 S
Female (height) (weight) (eye color)
Restrictions Endorsements
sol 10 h 39' 23"
2 sols
bisols 21 h 18' 46.8"
clock 10 h 39' 23" face
year 29.458 E-y
33 segments 1 segment = 326.505 E-d
367.668 S-ld
12 months
Regular = 367 S-ld
Irregular = 368 S-ld
common year 33 regular segments
leap year 32 regular segments, 1 irregular segment
placement February 31 in Alpha
formula +20 S-y
distance 9.537 AU
moons 60
week 7 S-ld
accuracy 4,986,789 S-y
GMT Nada Mean Time
covers 18,953.223 km each
epoch 12/25/+0000 E 1,721,419
+68:01 S Start January 1, +2009 E January 1, +68:01 S
+2009 E End November 23, +2009 E February 13, +68:02 S
seasons Spring March 20 in Alpha
Summer March 29 in Perseus
Fall April 30 in Andromeda
Winter May 29 in Sextans
ages Start school at 0:05 S-y
Drive at 0:18 S-y
Vote at 0:20 S-y
Drink alcohol at 0:23 S-y
Retire at 2:07 S-y
work 7 h 6' 15.6"
competitors Yes Thomas Gangale
independence no

[1] Joyce, Alan C. Planets of the Solar System, Saturn. World Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2008. 329-330.
[2] The Darian System. Gangale, Thomas. 12 September 2004. Earthlink, Inc. 2 April 2009<>,Names of Martian Months and Number of Days. Gangale, Thomas. 12 September 2004. Earthlink, Inc. 2 April 2009 <>
[3] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[4] anonymous. 1 January 2009. 2 April 2009 <>
[5] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009<>,
[6] Star constellations. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Ed 2. New York: Random House, 1987.
[7] anonymous. 1 January 2009. 2 April 2009 <>,Alphabetical listing of constellations. Dolan, Chris. 1 January 2005. Google, Inc. 11 May 2009 <>
[8] Rowen, Beth. Space. Time for kids Almanac. Ed 1. Vol 1. 2006. 220.
[9] Solar System Exploration. Davis, Phil. 10 February 2009. NASA. 8 April 2009<>.
[10] Greek Alphabet. Physics and Astronomy Links - Web. 09 Sept. 2009. <>

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About Me

I am a Christian!! I am also a scientist, and I find more logic in Christianity than atheism. I have only been a Christian since I was 14, when I was baptized. I pretty good at astronomy, and happen to be a big sci-fi fan. The thing I am major good at is accounting, handling other people's money. I am currently going after my CPA. And after I get that I will get an associates in astronomy. I am batmanfanforever08 on YouTube; the "audio clip" is my YouTube channel. I am on Facebook, the "my web page" is my Facebook page. These blogs will be included in the book I am writing (assuming I ever get around to finishing it): "Listening to the Nonsense" or "Tracking Planet Time for our Solar System".